Sunday, May 4, 2014


Whoa! it has been YEARS since I have made posts on this blog. hopefully I will remember to keep up with it this time.
 anyways, today I am going to tell you about a fun thing to do (what you came for here, right?),which is GARDENING!

gardening may be easier than you think, you know, since it is not to hard in containers and front beds, or if you are really into it, in a garden? if you have not gardened before, I will show you how below. and furthermore, as you will see, simple gardening is pretty cheap too!

for your first project you will need:

some potting soil (it is not recommended to use soil out of your yard, not much nutrients.)
a pack of flower or herb seeds
a ceramic, clay or plastic pot

step 1: fill the pot with dirt, but leave about an inch so it does not overflow when you water it.

step 2: plant a few seeds (3-5) as deep a the pack says, or two times as deep as the width of the seed.

step 3: water it with about half a cup of water, do this whenever it gets dry or about once or twice a week.

step 4: place in a sunny windowsill or location.

in a little bit, depending on what kind of seeds you use, they should sprout, and bloom in a little while longer like months, if you chose flowers. I mean, most people don't WANT herbs to bolt! ha ha! (bolting is when herbs flower to reproduce seeds, but often times the herb leaves will taste bitter.)

funny story: our cat sometimes knocks over pots, and sleeps often in a seed starting tray. ha ha!

please look forward to my next blog post, definitely sooner this time!


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